On March 25, 2020, the Technical Council of the Mexican Social Security Institute approved the payment arrangements regarding disability procedures and the procurement of special permission due to the current contingency measures from digital platforms that grant remote access for individuals enrolled in the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), and who, under the mandatory regime, show symptoms of the COVID-19 disease. The procedure will involve completing an electronic screening questionnaire and receiving a reply that will either justify or deny this special permission.
It also indicates that if workers show infection symptoms such as cough, fever, and headaches, then they must remain in their homes without visiting a doctor, in order to receive their work-related disability. Moreover, this guarantees financial assistance for the first 14 days, which is typically how long a mild condition of COVID-19 lasts; and if the symptoms persist, the number of days of disability may be extended.
In addition to this, it was also mentioned that the Mexican Social Security Institute will send protective equipment to its workers by courier so that members of their families may not become infected, and will consist of: surgical masks, antibacterial hand sanitizer, and a thermometer, as well as guidelines regarding the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and how to treat people suffering from the disease.
On March 30, 2020, the institute enabled the digital platform, as well as the mobile app of the Mexican Social Security Institute that allows the user to perform this procedure and to obtain the permission and disability, if applicable.
The questionnaire can be completed at the following link:

It can also be completed in the mobile app of the Mexican Social Security Institute in the section: COVID-19.