Generally, when we speak about “compliance with obligations”, the majority of the companies only think about tax compliance. However, it is also important to adhere to labor obligations, since all companies are in one of the cases as established in article 504 subsections I, II, and III of the Mexican Federal Labor Law [in Spanish:
Last June the Official Gazette of the Federation [in Spanish: el Diario Oficial de la Federación] published a decree that adds article 29 to the Law of the National Workers’ Housing Fund [in Spanish: INFONAVIT]. Through this decree, the authorites will enact safeguards to prevent those companies that provide personnel service from neglecting their employer-related
On September 30th, the Labour Secretary in conjunction with the President of the National Commission for Minimum Wages made public the resolution through which the minimum wage for geographical area “B” was increased from $68.28 pesos to $70.10 pesos, representing a 2.67% increase. This resolution came into effect on October 1st of this year, meaning